The allies we work with support us in achieving our mission

Each of these institutions is unique, and in this section you will learn a bit about each of them

Our relationship with the Italian Agency for the Development Cooperation began in 2018. Through the Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation, fu2nds have been managed through the project titled “Inclusion Strategies in Social health and Educational Services: Accompanying the child with a Disability in Bolivia.” This project has been jointly implemented with Escuelas Populares Don Bosco (EPDB), Voluntariado Internacional para el Desarrollo (VIS), Cristian Blind Mission Italia (CBM), Fundación San Ignacio del Loyola (FUNDASIL) y Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia (USB).

Our relationship with this foundation began in 2012, based on the conceptualization and execution of disability related social projects. This relationship has since expanded. We are currently working as partners on the project: “Strategies of inclusion in socio-health and educational services- Operational models to support children with disabilities in Bolivia.”

Mano a Mano is an organization that recycles all types of technical support from the United States for people with disabilities. These include, but are not limited to, canes, crutches, and wheelchairs.
Tukuy Pacha works with this organization in order to support low-income people with disabilities obtain the support and resources they need in order to improve their quality of life.
Mano a Mano also constantly holds trainings and workshops to support professionals in physical therapy.
Tukuy Pacha works with this organization in order to support low-income people with disabilities obtain the support and resources they need in order to improve their quality of life.
Mano a Mano also constantly holds trainings and workshops to support professionals in physical therapy.

This is a virtual fundraising platform that we utilize. Thanks to Global Giving, we have been able to deliver technical assistance to more than 20 people with disabilities and in the same breath also support around the same number of families obtain disability cards. Currently, we are raising funds in order to provide persons with disabilities with home physiotherapy sessions, assistive devices and trainings. For more information use the following link:

The Tukuy Pacha is part of this nationwide network that brings together more than twenty institutions that work with the RBC Strategy, proposed by the World Health Organization.