Our Projects

From the start, Tukuy Pacha has produced projects to carry out is work. here, you can learn about our institutional journey that is based on the implementation of projects with international cooperation.



We are currently part of the project known as “Inclusion Strategies in Social Services – Sanitary and Educational Services. Operational Models to Accompany Children with Disabilities in Bolivia.” This project is funded by the Italian Agency for the Cooperation of Development, which runs from June 2018 to May 2021 and will run in the municipalities of Tiquipaya, Colcapirhua, San Benito, Punata, and District 9 of the municipality of the Cercado department of Cochabamba.

The general object of the project is to promote the rights of children with disabilities, promoting access to health services and educational inclusion in the department of Cochabamba – Bolivia. This projects Brings together the experience of several institutions: Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation (FDCG), Don Bosco Popular Schools (EPDB), San Ignacio del Loyola Foundation (FUNDASIL), International Volunteering for Development (VIS), Cristian Blind Mission Italy/ Bolivia (CBM), Educational Centers of the Local Church (CEIL), Salesiana University of Bolivia (USB), and Asociacion Socio-Cultural United (ASCU).


To strengthen the previous project with global giving, we are raising funds to supply medicines to beneficiaries with disabilities in the municipales of Colcapirhua, Tiquipaya, San Benito, Punata and the southern area of Cochabamba (District 9). This includes more than eighty children and adolescents who all have some type of disability that requires constant medication to remain healthy.

We hope that these donations can help these communities and families improve their quality of life. You can help Tukuy Pacha with your donations by clicking the following link: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/medicines-bolivian-people-disability/


2016 – 2017

With the support of Global Giving, disability cards and other legal documents have been processed to 18 beneficiaries living in conditions of highly vulnerability. Their families have supported the process, demonstrating commitment to improving the quality of life of their relatives with disabilities.

2015 – 2016

With the support of the Valdense Church of Italy and the Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation, more than 100 beneficiaries living in harsh conditions were aided in the processing of disability cards.

2015 – 2016

Additionally, with the support of Global Giving we have delivered technical help to more than twenty people with disabilities in order to better their quality of life. 2013 – 2014 The project was executed: Strengthening of the Public and Community System for the Prevention of Disability and the Social and Health Insertion of People with Disabilities, with the support of the Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation, the Italian Episcopal Conference and the Cáritas de Cochabamba Social Pastoral. This project was in the municipalities of Vacas, Punata, San Benito, Colcapirhua, Tiquipaya, Quillacollo and Capinota.

2013 – 2014

We completed the following project: Strengthening of the Public and Community System for the Prevention of Disability and Socio-Sanitary Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities. This was done with the financial support of The Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation, Italian Episcopal Conference and Cáritas Social Ministry of Cochabamba. This project was focused in the following municipalities: Vacas, Punata, San Benito, Colcapirhua, Tiquipaya, Quillacollo, and Capinota.


Tukuy Pacha focalizes its efforts and generates work methodology that reflects the reality of the municipalities in Cochabamba in which it works. Its main goals become: Information generation, empowerment, training, provision of health services, and communication.


Tukuy Pacha becomes an independent organization with its own legal status. This milestone propels us towards the search for new allies.

2006 – 2010

Tukuy Pacha is created as a program under the direction of Terre des Hommes, a Dutch organization, with the goal of consolidating the efforts and financial resources from projects surrounding disabilities in Bolivia. During these four years Tukuy Pacha generated extensive information about disabilities, trained volunteers and public officials, supported social organizations, and worked with various ministries surrounding the empowerment of people and communities with disabilities.