The Protagonists
Here you will find four different stories about people we work with who have made an impact on our team.

Who are they?
Tukuy Pacha works with people with disabilities, their families and organizations. Here are some of his stories.


8 años | San Benito

Diagnosis: Hyperactivity
He started working with Tukuy Pacha on April 15, 2019. Mauricio is constantly moving because of his diagnosis and we are currently planning a meeting for him to receive his official documents and his disability card because as of right now he does not have an official medical diagnosis.

Diagnosis: Microcephaly
Tukuy Pacha began working with Naomi on April 24, 2019.
The case evolves slowly and she is improving her dorsal control so she can sit by herself, but something important is that before she was underweight and did not eat many nutritional foods or have a good diet. Her mother thought that because she had a disability she did not eat the same foods as her eldest son.
She now is gaining weight and has a better appetite – the promoter provides a guide to the food she has to eat so she can be better fed. She also currently requires surgery because he has bilateral hip dysplasia problems.
The hope for her progress is that she can sit alone and they improve her diet so that she can gain weight. For the moment they are the only goals she has, if she receives hip surgery she can work on walking alone but only after the surgery.
The case evolves slowly and she is improving her dorsal control so she can sit by herself, but something important is that before she was underweight and did not eat many nutritional foods or have a good diet. Her mother thought that because she had a disability she did not eat the same foods as her eldest son.
She now is gaining weight and has a better appetite – the promoter provides a guide to the food she has to eat so she can be better fed. She also currently requires surgery because he has bilateral hip dysplasia problems.
The hope for her progress is that she can sit alone and they improve her diet so that she can gain weight. For the moment they are the only goals she has, if she receives hip surgery she can work on walking alone but only after the surgery.


11 años | Tikipaya


13 años | Punata

Diagnosis: PC infantil
Erick´s family is going through a very difficult time right now. On the one hand the mother has a diagnosis of schizophrenia, so the doctor ordered her not to get very close to Erick, and on the other hand the father is a driver and has to go to work in the city very early early. Because of this the older sister (who is studying at university) has to assist Erick with his needs.
Erick´s disability level is very severe and he is completely dependent on others to get through his daily activities like eating, grooming, etc.
In the future we hope Erick may be cared for at the rehab center with the help of his relatives for his transfer. We also hope that the family will be more responsible for Erick in terms of improving and preventing things detrimental to his health.
Erick shows a rather aggressive attitude about himself, but when spoken to fondly and cheerfully, he relaxes his body and smiles.
Erick´s disability level is very severe and he is completely dependent on others to get through his daily activities like eating, grooming, etc.
In the future we hope Erick may be cared for at the rehab center with the help of his relatives for his transfer. We also hope that the family will be more responsible for Erick in terms of improving and preventing things detrimental to his health.
Erick shows a rather aggressive attitude about himself, but when spoken to fondly and cheerfully, he relaxes his body and smiles.

Diagnosis: Weakness of the left side
Johan registered with us in March 27, 2019 and began physical therapy the first week of April.
Johan at first just like the family was very shy, when I evaluated him at the school where he studies U.E. Pacifico Feletti he looked suspicious, did not come very close to me, but and the mother had to give him orders to approach me and listen to the orders I gave him. The mom was excited and at the same time suspicious because she was not sure that she wanted to be part of the project, because in the south area there is a lot of mistrust.
He was given an intervention plan and to date there can be seen many changes: his attitude for one, he can already dress with less difficulty, has has more strength of the left side of his body and more ability to use the affected side and foot – like being able to kick a ball. HIs gait has seen much improvement as well.In the future I hope Johan can be more independent and be able to do the same things any child his age would.
Johan at first just like the family was very shy, when I evaluated him at the school where he studies U.E. Pacifico Feletti he looked suspicious, did not come very close to me, but and the mother had to give him orders to approach me and listen to the orders I gave him. The mom was excited and at the same time suspicious because she was not sure that she wanted to be part of the project, because in the south area there is a lot of mistrust.
He was given an intervention plan and to date there can be seen many changes: his attitude for one, he can already dress with less difficulty, has has more strength of the left side of his body and more ability to use the affected side and foot – like being able to kick a ball. HIs gait has seen much improvement as well.In the future I hope Johan can be more independent and be able to do the same things any child his age would.


6 años | Zona Sud “Pucarita Chica”